Thursday, December 10, 2009

Wings over Jungle Cock

Wings over Jungle Cock
Hook: Partridge CS10/1 size 2/0
Thread: Black
Tip: fine silver wire
Tag: canary yellow silk
Tail: Topping and wide strip of barred wood duck
Butt: black ostrich
Body: in 3 segments, 1: flat silver ribbed with fine oval gold twist, 2: dark blue silk, ribbed with medium oval silver tinsel, 3: black silk ribbed with medium flat gold tinsel.  Each segment veiled above and below with pairs of jungle cock back to back, increasing in size towards the head.
Wing: Two wide furnace spade hackles, with married strands of white turkey, Kori bustard, Florican, black turkey, repeated 3 times. Topping over.
Throat: two long jungle cock back to back
Shoulder: red tipped, black and white barred Lady Amherst rump
Cheek: yellow Lady Amherst rump
Horns: blue and yellow macaw
Head: black ostrich

My thoughts on it after it has sat for a couple of weeks allowing me time to examine it critically... I should have used a long jungle cock over the middle of the yellow and black cheek.  Also, this photo is very over-exposed.  That hook should be black!

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